Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Jazz And The Blues - 1023 Words

Music and dancing was also another influence that occurred during this time period. Jazz and the Blues were the most common and well-known types of music, which could have sometimes been involved in the types of dancing that happened in the Roaring 20s. The type of music that we call jazz was a great turning point between the whites and the African Americans who were segregated. It lessened the amount of segregation between the two races and brought people of all races together no matter what color they were. The music helped people that were in need of jobs and the main places that were affected were New York and Chicago. An important figure in the history of jazz was Louis Armstrong who played the trumpet and cornet to play his music. Along with jazz, the blues was a type of music that was inspired by the African Americans of that time. The African Americans that started the blues were in churches or either in hollers working in the fields. They would sing these songs as they worke d hard on the long days on the farm. The blues first started from the African Americans located in the Mississippi Delta. There were many different types of dances that are still being used today even though it was made about a hundred years ago. Some of these dances included the Charleston, the Tango, the Shimmy, and many more other dances. Dance was the entertainment of the daily lives of many people. It was to the point where churches even used it to get the attention of young people andShow MoreRelatedThe Influence Of Blues On Jazz958 Words   |  4 Pages The Influence of Blues on Jazz The blues more than any other form of music is jazz s greatest influence. From its origin in southern United States, in the 20th century, blues and jazz have had a strong correlation. 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