Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Theory Of Social Disorganization Theory - 980 Words

Using criminological terms and concepts, focus on a jurisdiction, neighborhood, or geographic locale with which you are familiar. Regarding a human behavior which you select to focus on in that geographical space, write two concise yet comprehensive paragraphs on how social disorganization theory can inform your understanding of behavior and place, and one weakness which would find your understanding somehow lacking, and why. Then write two equally compelling paragraphs on how routine activities theory would foster your understanding, and one weakness which might leave your understanding lacking, and why. Frank Schmalleger explains the theory of social disorganization as one that depicts both social change as well as conflict, and lack of any agreement as the origin of its cause for both criminal behavior as well as nonconformity to society and closed associated with the ecological school of criminology (Schmalleger, 2012, p. 152). The philosophy behind the organization and structure of a society and how that contributes to criminal behavior within society is by stressing poverty, economic conditions, lack of education, lack of skills, are not sought-after in the work place, and divergent cultural values. Criminal behavior is the result of the person’s assignment of location within the structure of society. Our text (Paynich) explains that the Chicago School of criminology used an ecological methodology to rationalize crime as it relates how social disorganization providesShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Social Disorganization Theory908 Words   |  4 Pages Among the different explanations proposed, there is a predominant theory: the theory of social disorganization. As described by Dr. Rengifo (2009), the social disorganization theory, forwarded by Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay (1942), suggests that the variation in crime rates is linked to the weakened social integration of neighbourhoods which is a result of the presence of delinquent subcultures and structural factors on social interactions that lead to the absence of self-regulatory mechanismsRead MoreThe Theory Of Social Disorganization Theory Essay1369 Words   |  6 Pagesneighborhood. Although various theories can be used in order to explain the link between poverty and crime, the one that best fits would be social disorganization theory. Social disorganization theory is a theory, which emphasizes environmental impacts of living in neighborhoods that are high in crime and also stresses that this is the reason that criminal activity increases (Tibbetts Hemmens, 2015). The Chicago school theory is otherwise known as the theory of social disorganization as well. Chicago wasRead MoreThe Theory Of Social Disorganization893 Words   |  4 Pages In 1942, the theory of social disorganization was developed by two criminology researchers by the name of Clifford Shaw and Henry D. McKay. Social disorganization theory focuses on a person physical and social environments are what causes their behavioral choices. This means that if a person is placed in a neighborhood where there is a high crime rate, or the neighborhood is not dynamic, this can cause them to participate in such crimes, or make the wrong behavioral choices within the youth. InRead MoreThe Theory of Social Disorganization701 Words   |  3 PagesSocial Disorganization Summary paper Social disorganization refers to the failure of group members to collaborate and accomplish objectives or tackle issues. Social disorganization normally alludes to a group or society described by the absence of social control. This brings about an absence of an effective functioning integration between personal maladjustment, conflicting social attitudes, and conflicting interests among group members (Goode, 2008). Criminologists and social researchers focusRead MoreSocial Disorganization Theory 922 Words   |  4 Pages Social disorganization theory is a perspective on crime and deviance that examines the community and how it influences crime. Overtime there have been several school shootings and other crime on college campuses throughout the US. People have been left wondering how such crimes can happen in an educational community. Barton, Jensen, and Kaufman break down the variables that go into a college community such as Greek life, race, and age in their article â€Å"Social Disorganization Theory and The CollegeRead MoreThe Social Disorganization Theory Is An Intriguing Theory976 Words   |  4 PagesThe Social Disorganization theory is an intriguing theory that can be seen in our society today. This theory states that â€Å"disorganized communities cause crime because informal social controls break down and criminal cultures emerge† (Cullen 6). The city of Chicago was the predominate focus upon the construction of this theory. The reasoning for this was because Chicago was the fa stest growing population in the 19th century, a population starting at 5,000 in 1800 and growing to 2 million in 1900,Read MoreEssay on Social Disorganization Theory2441 Words   |  10 Pagesâ€Å"SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION THEORY† Written by Andrew Lien amp; Henry Nunnery J201 Section: 23607 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies Tuesdays, 06:00P-08:40P Instructor: Mark T. Berg, Ph.D. The main assumption of Social Disorganization Theory is the ability to explain why crime committed by lower class communities is more prominent than neighborhoods from communities in better economic areas. This theory is the relationship of the destabilization of urban communities andRead MoreSocial Disorganization Theory And Crime998 Words   |  4 PagesStarz’ â€Å"Power , Social Disorganization Theory and Crime Introduction: In the television show â€Å"Power†, organized crime is the most prevalent form of crime displayed. Organized crime can be defined as a methodically unlawful activity for profit on a city-wide. interstate and worldwide scale. The act of engaging in criminal activity as a structured assembly is called racketeering in the United States. The premise of this project is to research social disorganization theory as it pertains to the televisionRead MoreThe Social Disorganization Theory Of Crime1141 Words   |  5 Pages One of the most important and well-studied criminological theories intended to explain and predict crime rates is social disorganization theory (Sampson 2012). The social disorganization theory of crime was originally articulated by Shaw and McKay (1942) to explain differences in neighborhood crime rates among juvenile delinquents in concentric zones in the Chicago metropolitan area. They found that some areas had consistently high crime rates and juvenile arrests over time despite population changesRead MoreSocial Disorganization Theory And Cultural Deviance Theory1325 Words   |  6 PagesAs criminologist continue research on the sociological theories as it relates to the social structure, social process and the impact of social life. There is still room to compare and contrast the social structure theories that include social disorganization theory, strain theories and cultural deviance theory. The social disorganization theory was first referenced with the displacement among immigrants. Scholars believed this was due to the immigrants inability to transfer norms and values from

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Eden Mccallum Case Study - 4113 Words

Executive Summary: Eden McCallum needs a plan of action to take it through the recession. There are several issues at play for the firm, all of which must be thoroughly examined. We have identified Eden McCallum’s business model, organizational structure, and work culture as its core challenges in the face of the recession, and we will attempt to understand why these issues have taken their current shapes. We will then evaluate potential action plans, weighing each against its effect on the financial survival, sustainability, and credibility of the firm. With these criteria in mind, we will present available options for Eden McCallum. These options can be broadly categorized as those that cut costs, those that maintain the status quo†¦show more content†¦With decision-making power spread across the board, the firm will find it difficult to take decisive, critical steps when faced with a crisis. Additionally, each decision requires the full support of all the part ners. As every partner may not share the vision of the founders, a partner may balance his or her personal interests against those of the firm. As seen, some staff members are already stating the reduction of compensation as a significant factor in decision-making. Decisions made with personal interests and short-term profits in mind will lack the long-term impact and foresight that are required at such a critical juncture. Work culture and values will also be factors in Eden McCallum’s plan of action moving forward. The firm focuses on integrity, the long term, and transparency. Rash decisions that only affect the bottom line don’t mesh with the vision of the founders. Eden McCallum values and respects its clients, consultants, and employees, and it won’t make decisions that don’t reflect that. This could, however, eliminate some potential options for the firm. Taking a deeper look at the current situation helps to expose the causes and context of the firm’s issues. Eden McCallum is an innovative firm with some unique attributes. It is the firm that took the freelance consulting market to corporate suites. The firm has cultivated values around human relationships more so than almost

Monday, December 9, 2019

Black Elk Speaks Essay Example For Students

Black Elk Speaks Essay The division in the world among the races always was and will be one of the biggest issues that the people have to deal with and solve. Many cultures, Indian culture is one of the examples, were affected by the persecution of the people who were though to be superior to others. Indian culture was persecuted by whites, which wanted to wipe off the Indian civilization from the face of the world. The Native Americans wanted the same as anyone would, peace and freedom for their people. The Native Americans did not consider white way of living righteous for them, they were spiritual and had a different outlook on life, and did not want interference from outside world. In the book Black Elk Speaks, being the life story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux as told through John G. Neihardt, an Indian boy then a warrior, and Holy Man describes the life his people had in the lands that belonged to them that were seized by As a little boy, Black Elk witnessed his village being invaded by Wasichus, a term that was used by Indians to designate the white man, but having no reference to the color of his skin. Black Elk describes the life of Indians, which is very spiritual and could be very unattainable to understand to the naked eye of a regular person who did not know all the Indians beliefs. While still young, at the age of nine, Black Elk had a vision where he was the leader of all his people. Where he was given a gift from Great Spirits to save the Indian civilization by driving a way the Wasichus from their native land. After the dream, he was courageous and willing to go fight the barbarians. The deep spiritual significance of the dream came to him when he was older and wiser. The rituals and traditions of the Indians evince their beliefs in spirits and afterlife. Indians believed that there would be a better life for them after they die, because many of them did not see a way out, but people were still fighting for their lives. Growing up Black Elk and his friends were a lready playing the games of killing the whites and they waited impatiently to kill and scalp the first Wasichu, and bring the scalp to the village showing how strong and brave they were. One could only imagine what were the reasons that Indians were bloody-minded and brutal to the whites. After seeing their own villages, where they were born and where the soul was, burn down to ashes, their hatred and dispiteous actions towards whites just grew stronger and stronger, and all they wanted was revenge and death of whites.Throughout Black Elks life, their community was moved from one place to another, when they reached other destinations after awhile they had to fight whites and to live through loses and hard times. Black Elk always had the visions of the people dancing and the Grandfathers that were symbolizing villages in many dreams that he had to save. By telling the dreams to the village, they powered themselves and were going to fight in small groups relying on spirits to help the m in, saying today is a good day to live. The Black Elk realized in having the power to cure people as few other spiritual leaders could. Black Elk, being a little afraid, always influenced his friends into fighting believing and thinking always about his vision, which seemed reality to him. All his life he was getting more strength after losing someone close to him, this was a sign of the flow of powers to him from the spiritual world. Going through sorrow and despair, Indians had to stand up for themselves. Indians were proudly keeping on fighting the Wasichu, many times left with two horses and wounded. The book showed that the Indians destiny was to roam through the world in finding a better life, which they could not find anywhere, because they were persecuted and being destroyed. When Black Elk was older and wiser, he started to realize how wrong he was in following his visions that were not as significant as the one he had when he was young. But the perception of the vision h e had was only a dream and when he was looking back at it, he remembered how the last battle was, where he saw dead bodies of women and children scattered all over the ground and the soldiers pointing their guns. Black Elk realized that it was all a beautiful dream and it was over. .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 , .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .postImageUrl , .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 , .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2:hover , .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2:visited , .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2:active { border:0!important; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2:active , .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2 .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6d25d9027886fbfee204910e00b989d2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 1996: A Turbulent Year for Israel Essay The most important aspect of the book shows how young Indians aggressively try to overcome all of the harsh reality and attain the one point that would substantially change their lives. The book shows how spirituality and unity among the people of the specific Indian tribe, Oglala, gave them strength for trying to overcome the peoples superiority that spoiled many of the natives lives. Nevertheless all the descriptive lives of the Indians and how much they suffered, and how terrible was the extermination, the actions of Indians is not explanatory of the brutality in their hearts, not only to the whites but other Indian tribes. Anyhow, the book portrays the life with extensive battles and struggles with the environment, enemies and the individuals themselves. The book shows that a diversion in the world gives bad vibes between societies, where both has its own best interest at heart not caring about the other, and would do anything to progress in the stages of life aiming for predomin ance over everything. This gives off the example of the white race over the Indians, not even in the way of whites wanting to destroy Indians, but the possessive feature of the whites wanting to expand to the territory that they believe is theirs. In analyzing the book, I would not say that the author was not persuasive, it was more of him not giving the straight facts that would induce us of real horror. Although the author was just describing the day-to-day life with all the rituals and traditions it did t portray the feeling they had towards the whites. This book differs from other works, in a way that the author gives exact experience one Indian had, and the biggest difference is that the book is written from the person words that actually experienced it.The author gives a good background of the relationship white settlement and Indian cultures had, which supported by the life experience. An author depicts all the emotions of struggle and happiness at the times when it is hard t o imagine it. And it actually not the author who is persuasive, but the Black Elk himself, because he is the one that actually can convey the exact feeling and images to the reader. The ways in which the author could strengthen the book, in my opinion, is instead all the descriptive, to me meaningless points as how they were coloring themselves, the author should have put a little bit more facts in there to make it more documentary. Anyhow, overall the book has strength in letting the reader understand the history from both sides, whites and Indians. Many people have different views on the persecution of Native Americans, some think that it was all Indians fault and that they caused their own suffering, which I think is absolutely ridiculous, because they were not the ones who invaded. And Native Americans had every right to stand up for the land that was theirs. Bibliography:Black Elk Speaks by John G. Neihardt

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Virgils Aeneid Plagiarism or Propensity free essay sample

This essay discusses the differences and similarities in the works of Virgil and Homer. This paper discusses the idea of whether or not Virgil was a plagiarist of Homer?s works. The author provides criteria for evaluation and specific examples from the texts of The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid. It also contains critical views cited from other noted authors. From the Paper: When one studies Virgil?s Aeneid in parallel to Homer?s Odyssey and Iliad, similarities will arise. So much so that one would begin to dismiss Virgil as a mere plagiarist, rejecting his talent altogether. Kenneth Quinn, author of the book, Virgil?s Aeneid: A Critical Description, writes, Virgil?s characters and situations keep reminding us of Homeric characters and situations. His poem expressly recalls Homer?s story and constantly evokes Homer?s conventions. It is my opinion, however, that to study the Aeneid a little deeper is to find Virgil unique and quite separate from Homer and his works. We will write a custom essay sample on Virgils Aeneid: Plagiarism or Propensity or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Apple and Best Buy Essays

Apple and Best Buy Essays Apple and Best Buy Paper Apple and Best Buy Paper These factors are important because before an organization can egging strategy formulation, it must scan the internal environment for strengths and weaknesses and their external environment to identify possible opportunities and threats (Wheeled Hunger). In this paper I will describe the internal and external environments of Apple and Best Buy using an environmental scan. I will also determine what their competitive advantages and strategies are. Apples Internal and External Environments Strengths Apple is a very successful company and has many strengths. It is a geographically diverse business with a strong research and development team. Apple has an innovative culture and strong workforce. Apple has bargaining power with retailers and outstanding customer loyalty. Apple has a strong brand and reputation. Apple also makes a lot of money and dont have any debt. Weaknesses Even though Apple is a very successful company they still have some weakness. Apple products are expensive and some products lack customization. Because Apple products are so great, which makes them premium products they can be expensive for many consumers. Some Apple products are considers a distraction electronic device. Accidents such as auto-mobile crashes have been caused by people using electronic devices. Opportunities Apple has some great opportunities such as off-the-shelf military procurement. To reduce cost and increase speed to development the Military is buying off the shelf Apple software and hardware. Phone APS is another big opportunity for Apple. Apple APS produces thousands of small programs that utilize the phones unique capabilities which creates barriers to entry for the phone. This helps increase revenue for Apple. Threats A big threat for Apple Face Time capability is Keep. Because Keep is coming available on more devices it has a negative impact On Apple Face Time capability. Googles Android smart phone is another threat for Apple because its the number one competitor in the smart phone sector. Cost of production is also a threat for Apple because it takes from Apples profit. Best Buy Internal and External Environments Best buy is another great company with many strengths. They are a global market leader with outstanding service. Best Buy Mobile and Busty. Com are also strengths. Best buy has international expansion and a unique in store marketing plan. They also have in-house brands like insignia and they have powerful customer loyalty. Best buy is engrossed on customer service and variety, also they have pricing power over their customers and suppliers. From the geek squad to sales people, there is an innovative culture at Best buy. They have exclusive brands and their brand name allows premium pricing. Weaknesses Best buy also has some weakness such as bad customer service and they need more knowledgeable employees in specific areas. They have undifferentiated products and the none commissioned based sales causes errors not to be motivated. One of Best buys main attractions are DVDs and blue ray disc, and they are becoming less popular. The large store format at Best buy dont fit all customers and their warranty programs could use improving. Opportunities Best buy have some great opportunities such as online growth potential and the State taxes on online sales may possibly spin growth. There store branded products could increase margins and new products and services could increase revenue. More innovation could help best buy because it would add alee. Threats A big threat for Best buy is strong competitors and the digital media rely on physical products and is hurting best buys profits. Some of the smaller products that Best buy sell are becoming more desirable. But, they are brought over the internet easily. Electronics are cheaper online and they have intense competition for stores like Best buy. Lastly the substitute for lower margin products could hurt best buy. Apples Competitive Advantages and Strategies One of Apples competitive advantages is that multiple products that integrate as one and the constant, never-ending change in Apples business climate. Its hard for Apple customers to tell the difference between their product apart from for the size and shape. There is no other company that has efficiently corralled customers to other seemingly different products by getting them to purchase just one. Another one of Apples competitive advantages that really stands out is in marketing. Apple recognizes what will get customers enthusiastic about its products, and then they fulfils that vision. Apple shows how the computer will make your life better, rather than liking the about features and technology. Apple has manufactured a truly sustainable competitive advantage and created value by locking in deals with big record labels such as Universal, Warner Sony, and MME. Clouds generates 30% of revenue alone.. Best Buys Competitive Advantages and Strategies Historicity Best Buy competitive advantage has been pricing. They also have competitive advantage by being the largest source for electronics in most cities. Locality is also a big plus for Best buy, they currently operates 1,347 stores across the united States. If Best Buy is the closest place to pick up a new television, computer, or Pad, its likely they will get your business because, Best Buy is convenient for the majority of American populations to shop at. Now that other specialty electronics retailers have dropped out of the market, Best Buy has that sector of the market to themselves. Another one of Best Buy competitive advantage is service installation and advice. Conclusion In conclusion SOOT analysis is the simplest way to conduct environmental scanning. SOOT important because before an organization can begin strategy ruination, it must scan the internal environment for strengths and weaknesses and their external environment to identify possible opportunities and threats (Wheeled Hunger). Apple and Best buy are two very successful companies and has many strengths, but you must consider the weaknesses, opportunities, and threats before you begin strategy formulation.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

12 important points to keep in mind while writing MBA application essays

12 important points to keep in mind while writing MBA application essays Test scores and grades are important, but admissions to business school is about more than getting good numbers. To compete successfully with a large group of high quality applicants, put in the work to assure that your essays are outstanding. After over fourteen years helping applicants with thousands of MBA application essays as an MBA admissions consultant, a dozen important points stand out as key to keep in mind when writing these key essays: 1. Answer what was asked. Surprisingly, most applicants think they answered the question asked but did not. Writing MBA application essays is a new challenge for most applicants, who have no basis on which to gauge their answers. An experienced MBA Admissions Consultant can help ensure you havent missed the mark. 2. â€Å"I’ll just write a few common essays, and use them for all my applications.†A typical MBA school requires a set of several essays, ranging from one to as many as ten for some European business schools. Top US b-schools typically require four or five essays. Many schools ask questions which have similar elements but are not exactly the same. To be competitive, each essay needs to be carefully answered as it is asked, which means school by school. And if you do use the same essay twice, be careful to change the school name everywhere, since many applicants overlook thata sure application killer! 3. Stay on track! As you add details about an example, it often becomes harder and harder to follow the line of your thoughts. The school wants to learn about you, not about the situations you’ve been in. Take the readers by the hand and guide them through to keep the focus on your main point, only sharing details that support that point. 4. Put extra effort into the question about your career. Be sure you powerfully portray your short-term and long-term career goals; how an MBA will fill any existing gaps between where you are now and reaching those goals; and (if asked) the level of research you’ve done to match the school’s unique offerings to your future career. Be careful to not simply restate your resume in detail herea common pitfall in many first drafts. 5. â€Å"I’m way over the word limit but there’s nothing that I can cut out!† Schools evaluate your ability to write concisely. An admissions consultant will help you focus on whats important and what isnt so you can stay under the word limit. Don’t give the admissions staff an easy way to choose someone else over you because you ignored the school’s word or page limit instructions! 6. â€Å"I changed my career goals for one school because that school is known for finance, whereas the other schools focus on marketing.† It is a huge mistake to completely change your answers based on what you think a school wants to hear. Schools are looking to understand the real you. It is true that certain characteristics are important for all applicants, such as leadership potential and communication skills. But more than anything else, schools are looking to admit diverse classes. If you try to change yourself to be what you think a school wants, you may be surprised to learn that they already had too many who fit that description and that your unique characteristics were exactly what they were looking for. 7. Do not use overly sophisticated language. Many overdo it, trying to impress a school, but it comes out reading stilted. Stay real and conversational. 8. Your essays should show Leadership, leadership, leadership. The number one quality to emphasize in your essays is leadership. Tell the admissions committee what your unique flavor of leader is. What doyour friends and colleagues say your greatest leadership talents are? Identify these skills as specifically as possible, and support them with examples from your professional (and possibly personal) life. 9. Don’t use examples of your experience prior to college. Schools will think you dont have anything worth talking about since then, and they dont want to admit people who did not (and will not) continue to achieve great things! 10. Never ask anyone, including an admissions consultant, to write essays for you. Schools will automatically reject you if it appears that you didnt write your own essays. 11. Never lie. Even if your personal ethics would allow you to lie in an application, you may be caught at some point, especially with schools now carefully checking out details. Never lie! 12. Never send in any essays with typos, spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. No one is perfect, but sending in essays with typos, misspelled words, or grammatical errors can give an admissions officer an easy way to rule you out. Do you have more ideas of what makes a great business school application essay? Please share your questions/comments below. Need guidance in your MBA/EMBA Application process? Maximize your applications with help from The Essay Experts MBA Admissions Consulting Services. Or feel free to email me directly at Larry Sochrin Category:MBA Admissions ProcessBy Brenda BernsteinJanuary 20, 2012

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ways of Preventing Time Wastage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ways of Preventing Time Wastage - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that some of the drawbacks of time wastage are lowering of productivity, loss of priority activities, and lowering of physical/mental benefits. Some of the benefits of time wastage are recharging of the mind, building of working relationships, learning of new and precious skills, and development of hobbies. Generally, as the saying goes â€Å"all work with no play makes Jack a dull boy† time wastage can be beneficial; however, the benefits are on the individual basis and not for the entire nation or a given workforce. Most of the workers at the workplace are fond of checking their email inboxes. This tendency results into loss of precious time because this habit of sending emails to colleagues is addictive. This paper illustrates that constant email pop in and out always forms repetitive time wastage habit that cost the employers. It is estimated that constant email pop in and out is capable of reducing the worker’s output to ex tend where the output of production will lag by one product behind. Following the research was done by and AOL group in the USA it was established that one of the basic element things that consume a lot of time for the workers is internet surfing. Internet surfing involves constant email check-in and chatting in other social media like Skype, 2go, and Facebook. This problem of pop in and out of email inbox can be eliminated by restricting the checking up to three times for the whole day, it is recommended to schedule your email check-in for the morning, afternoon, and evening. Winging-it time can be defined as the time that an individual aimlessly spends while defining the important things that she/he need to do. For example, in driving some individuals waste a lot of time while aimlessly navigating lots of round-about instead of following a shortcut direction. Lack of drawn roadmap or targets for the end makes an individual to waste a lot of time in winging-it. In order to eradicate this winging-it time wastage an individual needs to prepare a list of tasks in the morning of all the activities that she/he should do, the creation of such a plan helps an individual to have to a scale of preference. Interruption magnet habit can also be referred to distraction that some people cause to others. Some co-workers are fond of creating disruptions to their fellow workers who might be busy working on some scheduled activities. Winging-it time can be defined as the time that an individual aimlessly spends while defining the important things that she/he need to do. For example, in driving some individuals waste a lot of time while aimlessly navigating lots of round-about instead of following a shortcut direction. Lack of drawn roadmap or targets for the end makes an individual to waste a lot of time in winging-it. In order to eradicate this winging-it time wastage an individual needs to prepare a list of tasks in the morning of all the activities that she/he s hould do, the creation of such a plan helps an individual to have to a scale of preference. Interruption magnet habit can also be referred to distraction that some people cause to others. Some co-workers are fond of creating disruptions to their fellow workers who might be busy working on some scheduled activities. This interruption magnet habit can eliminate through putting the phone on silence mode, doing tasks that divided attention has no influence over and maybe choosing to close your office door. Individuals should also learn to prioritize their tasks as very vital since this would prevent them to avoid interruptions from their co-workers. The habit of procrastination can also be referred to as those habits that waste precious time such as face booking, playing spider solitaire, and gazing at the window. Elimination of silent can be achieved through draw up or structuring the day's tasks.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

India's Contribution towards the British War Effort in World War I and Research Paper

India's Contribution towards the British War Effort in World War I and the Aftermath - Research Paper Example Since the Ottoman Empire sided with the German forces, the Ottoman army started attacking various strategic positions (oil depots, ports and locations military importance) in the Middle East. Moreover despite the neutral role of the Shah of Afghanistan, the Ottoman army influenced some of the local tribesmen on the Indian-Afghan border in the North-West of India to who started attacking the British forces and captured some of the land and supply routes. The British Army was a mixture of races from different dominions and colonies of the British Empire and the British Indian army was one of them. 2 regiments of the British Indian Army were permanently stationed in various other British colonies before the start of WWI but in WWI it played pivotal role on various frontiers in Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. The Indian Army mainly comprised of the lower Castes of Hindus; the untouchables, the Shudras (artisans, craftsmen and service providers) and the Vaishyas (agriculturis ts, cattle traders, merchants and bankers) and also in Muslims the Ajlafs (the local converts) and the Arzals. The Indian people were not trained to become high ranked officers in the army and only served as soldiers commonly known as Sepoys (derived from Persian word Sipahi meaning soldier). In World War I the Indian Army fought against the German Empire in German East Africa and on the Western Front. The Indians also served on various other frontiers in Egypt, Gallipoli. The most remarkable of the efforts by the Indian army was in Mesopotamia where nearly 700,000 soldiers served against the Ottoman Empire. In addition to these foreign expeditions the Indian Army also defended the British Indian Empire at the North Western frontier and also in the South East at Burmese border. The Largest Volunteer Army The British established their first cantonment in India in 1757 at Goa to fight against the French forces in India and it marked the beginning of the inductions of Indians to the Br itish Army. As the British invaded more and more land the Indian population in the army went on increasing and when in 1857 the Indian throne was brought under the British crown, the British Indian Army was formally established. The Sepoy mutiny of 1857 forced the British to limit the Indian inclusion in the army to lower rank soldiers and as a result mostly the lower castes joined the army. By 1914, the British Indian Army was the largest volunteer army in the world with a total strength of 240,000 men. The largest increase in the army happened during the WWI when the recruitment process was very fast and the Lower Caste Indians were more and more interested to join the army not only because of the incentives but also the sense of security for being in the British army was a big motivational force for a lower caste Indian who was treated in an inhumane manner. This large induction increased the number of Indians in the British army to almost 550,000 by November 1918. This large str ength also increased the importance of the British Indian Army which was called upon to deal with incursions and raids on the North West Frontier. Moreover the Indian army was also deployed in the British Empire in China, Singapore and Egypt. Events during the War 1. The Indian army was sent to Marseilles on 30th September 1914 as reinforcement to the British Expeditionary Force but the Indian army was not familiar to the local conditions and climate and was poorly equipped to resist weather. Moreover the uneducated, less-trained lower caste soldiers from India could not learn to operate the new war equipment. This force took part in the four major battles namely

Sunday, November 17, 2019

National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office Essay Example for Free

National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office Essay This website is one of the esiest websites I could check about the daily weather through it. I can feel comfotable while Im using the services which provided in the website. This website provide many things and they are very important for me as a pilot.You can be beneficial and awarnce about the weather any where in the United states of America by entring your city and the Zip code of your city then you will get all the information and forcasts about the daily weather in your city. When you open the website you will finde the current tempreture in (C/F ) of the current hour that you opened the website in. As we said it provides a lot of services and we will talk about the most usful and helpful one. Current hazerd service provides you about the warnings around United States map, like the red color for the tornado warnings and blue one for thunderstormes warinings. Also it gives you the freezed areas in blue color. Current condetions service provides the condtion of the weather in many maps like radar and satalite maps.Also you could find the snow condtion around the area and how is it converd and talks about the snow analyzis. Hydrology talks about the weather condition on the rivers and lakes which is very helpful for these people who are going to camping around lakes or rivers, so they be knowledgable about what is going on around that area to know exactley what they should brind to wear ‘ winter or summer clothes ‘. News link provides fresh stories about what happening around the area, if tornado or hurrcain estapleshed in some area you find the information about this news in this link. Useres also can add their reports and I see that its really good service to keep comuncation with people which may make it more accuret informations. You can as user creat your own account and start adding reports about weather and claimet. At the end I could say its really usfull website especially for me as a pilot and for people who are caring about the weather. You can be safe and aware about whats going on in the claimet to avoid thunderstorms and tornedo by seeing the warnings and alarms. Also goo for reguler people they can get information about the current weather and forcast for the whole day which make them aware about whats is going to wear in this whole day and avoiid the very cold weather at the morning in example.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Exposing Capitalism in Upton Sinclairs The Jungle Essay -- Sinclair J

Exposing Capitalism in The Jungle      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While the works of Upton Sinclair are not widely read today because of their primacy of social change rather than aesthetic pleasure, works like The Jungle are important to understand in relation to the society that produced them.   Sinclair was considered a part of the muckraking era, an era when social critics observed all that was wrong and corrupt in business and politics and responded against it.   The Jungle was written primarily as a harsh indictment of wage slavery, but its vivid depictions of the deplorable lack of sanitation involved in the meatpacking industry in Chicago resulted in public outrage to the point where Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act.      The Jungle is a product of the era when industry was rapidly evolving and millions of immigrants came to America, the perceived land of milk and honey.   What they often found instead were a lack of jobs, low paying jobs in deplorable conditions and the realization that the American dream was not equally accessible to all.   In the novel Sinclair denounces in brutal prose the deplorable conditions of the Chicago stockyard where the men and women workers are diminished to a level lower than the dumb beasts they must slaughter in the fields.   Many immigrants were forced to accept such conditions and low wages because they did not have other options.   Jurgis wrestles with this dilemma when he thinks of turning down a job in the lowest of all occupations, a fertilizer plant worker, "As poor as they were, and making all the sacrifices they were, would he dare to refuse any sort of work that was offered to him, be it as horrible as ever it could?   Would he dare to go home and eat bread tha... ...llows Sinclair to tack on an optimistic ending where often in life none was found.   Like Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, the ending of Sinclair's novel is a victory for the common man, the working class man and woman who were so great in number, so indomitable in spirit, and so determined to survive that there was no force of oppression too great to be surmounted, "...then we will begin the rush that will never be checked, the tide that will never turn till it has reached its flood-that will be irresistible, overwhelming-the rallying of the outraged workingmen of Chicago to our standard!...We shall bear down the opposition, we shall sweep it before us-and Chicago will be outs!   Chicago will be ours!   CHICAGO WILL BE OURS!" (Sinclair   341). Works Cited Sinclair, U.   The Jungle.   (7th printing).   New York: The New America Library of World Literature, 1964.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

From History to Modern Era Essay

The great virtue of this estimate of Zionism is that it seems to succeed in providing the modern movement with a long history of which it is the heir. Zionism is made to stand in an unending line of messianic stirrings and rebellions against an evil destiny which began right after the destruction of the Temple by the Romans, with the Bar Kokba revolt in the next century. This theory highlights the story of frequent â€Å"ascents† of small groups of pietists from the Diaspora to the Holy Land, occurring in every century of the medieval and pre- modern age, as expressions of a main theme — indeed, of the main theme — of â€Å"return,† which gave meaning to Jewish experience in the exile. The bond between the people and its land, which it never gave up hope of resettling, was thus never broken, and Zionism is, therefore, the consummation of Jewish history under the long-awaited propitious circumstances afforded by the age of liberalism and nationalism. Despite its neatness and appeal, this construction, which is chiefly identified with the name of the distinguished Israeli historian, Ben Zion Dinur, must be subjected to serious criticism. In the first place, it is really a kind of synthetic Zionist ideology presented as history. The assumption of being in the midst of an â€Å"end of days,† of a final resolution of the tension between the Jew and the world, is as yet unprovable. To date, even after the creation of the state of Israel, Zionism has neither failed nor succeeded. The position of the Jew is still unique in the world, and only those who are certain that their theories foretell the future can be convinced that, for example, the Diaspora will soon be dissolved. This may, indeed, be true, but an interpretation of the meaning of Zionism in Jewish history which boldly asserts that it must come to pass — as this theory does — is suspect of being doctrinaire. Much more could be said in detail about the implications of this theory that Zionism is Jewish messianism in process of realizing itself through this-worldly means. This description fits that stream of Zionist thought which remained orthodox in religious outlook, and therefore limited its tinkering with the classical messianic conception of the Jewish religion to the question of means; but this thesis pretends to apply to the main body of the movement, and, as such, it is artificial and evasive. What is being obscured is the crucial problem of modern Zionist ideology, the tension between the inherited messianic concept and the radically new meaning that Zionism, at its most modern, was proposing to give it. Zionism: Messianic Era Religious messianism had always imagined the Redemption as a confrontation between the Jew and God. The gentile played a variety of roles in this drama — as chastising rod in the divine hand, as the enemy to be discomfited, or, at very least, as the spectator to pay homage at the end of the play — but none of these parts are indispensable to the plot. In the cutting edge of Zionism, in its most revolutionary expression, the essential dialogue is now between the Jew and the nations of the earth. What marks modern Zionism as a fresh beginning in Jewish history is that its ultimate values derive from the general milieu. The Messiah is now identified with the dream of an age of individual liberty, national freedom, and economic and social justice — i. e. , with the progressive faith of the nineteenth century. This is the true Copernican revolution which modern Zionism announced — and it patently represents a fundamental change not merely in the concept of the means to the Redemption but in end values. Every aspect of Jewish messianism has been completely transmuted by this new absolute. So, classical Judaism had, for the most part, imagined that at some propitious moment an inner turning by the Chosen People would be the preamble to evoking the saving grace of God. Zionism, too, knows that the Jewish people must be remade in order to be redeemed — indeed, its sweeping and passionate demands lent themselves to being spoken in language reminiscent of the prophets — but it is supremely aware that its millennium is out of reach without the assent and co-operation of the dominant political powers.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Breaking All the Rules

In How To Succeed In Business By Breaking All The Rules it states that to succeed in business one must be able to use an unorthodox style which allows that person to break free from ancient ways of thinking and be able to use new ideas in developing entrepreneurial and business skills. One way this will be proven is to look at how positive thinking and motivation hamper people in making tough business decisions. Secondly, this will be proven by examining the education system, and showing that one does not always need a university education to perform in a business environment. Thirdly, this will be proven by looking at the behavioral aspects of an entrepreneur, and how an entrepreneur's thinking pattern is quite unique compared to the average person. Finally, this will be proven by looking at the illusions of management and how managers have to adapt if they want to see results. â€Å"Forget just about everything you were told about positive thinking and motivation. † Positive thinking and motivation can encumber persons in business if not executed properly. People assume that by being positive they are in turn motivating people to work hard and complete tasks without impeding their space. This is not entirely true. There is a joke that many motivational speakers tell, as an illustration of positive thinking: â€Å"A guy has tripped and fallen off the roof of a thirty-story building. He is falling toward certain death. Some one yells out the fifteenth-story window, ‘how are you doing? ‘ And the falling fellow hollers back, ‘Okay so far! ‘† This joke is not an accurate representation of positive thinking. It illustrates stupidity. This joke has taken positive thinking way out of proportion. It is okay to be positive when approaching tough situations, but a constant bombarding of motivational thoughts may in turn impede the situation overall. People are taught from the start that there are no bad ideas, and in-turn people who criticize these bad ideas are looked upon as â€Å"negative thinkers† . Cynicism can actually be a healthy practice. By seeking out and eliminating bad ideas right from the get-go, the business or corporation is able appropriately deal with the problem and in a sense â€Å"nip it in the bud†. A person can think positive all that they want, but they are still going to spill coffee on their new tie. By over-motivating a person, the same effect can happen. A person has to want to be motivated for it to work properly. â€Å"The Old Testament† of motivation states that any person can do any thing as long as they are motivated to do so. This is not entirely true. In order for a person to be motivated they must believe the idea. Sounds like an oxy-moron, but a person needs to be inspired before motivation can take place. For instance, a person needs to want a post secondary education before they can be motivated to do so. A person does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business. There is not really anything wrong with a university education as long as the person attending understands what it is and what it is not. For some careers a university education is essential. For instance, people do not look kindly to a self-taught brain surgeon. The problem is that a university education only offers you theoretical situations instead of practical life situations that can only be achieved through experiencing life. People tend to worry that without at least a degree in a particular field, they are unable to start their own lucrative business, and have the consumers take them seriously. Often people believe that without the proper credentials, it is impossible for their business to ever get off the ground. This is not true. There are many examples of companies that were started by supposedly â€Å"uneducated† people, who have turned their respective businesses into multi-million dollar corporations. For instance, Dave Thomas, founder and owner of the Wendy's Corporation. With nothing better than a grade 10 education Thomas took his first Wendy's that opened in 1969, and turned it into over 4000 locations across North America. Thomas was credited with hard work and life skills that helped him in his venture. From working as a busboy in a small town diner, to cooking for thousands as a chief in the army, Thomas learned the skills needed to create a lucrative business without any formal education. There are thousands of examples of entrepreneurs with no formal education that have made it in the business world. The most important thing to understand is that a business can only go as far as the people are willing to take them. Meaning that if you want to be successful you can encourage your self to take it to the next level without formal education. If you have a formal education, by all means make the most of it. But never use lack of formal education as an excuse and never let yourself feel inferior to those with better formal educations. There is abundant proof that you can reach just about any heights in business without college or even high school education if you will do the things necessary to otherwise obtain the information and master the skills specifically relevant to your objectives. Entrepreneurs are not always the best educated, but share a thinking pattern unlike those of regular people and are able to take any business with a solid foundation and turn it in to a productive money-making machine. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, one must be able to go against the grain of normal business practice and be able to perform at a pace where they leave the competition in the dust with no remorse. The old saying: â€Å"there are no rules when it comes to love and war† also applies to entrepreneurs in business. An entrepreneur must be able show no compassion towards anybody in order to get the job done. It sounds cruel, but some of the most successful people in business today have no remorse for their competition. For example, Mark McCormack the creator of International Management Group (an athlete management corporation) started off with little more than a $1000 and a hand shake, but developed his business into a multi-million dollar corporation by leaving his competition way behind. McCormack was able to do something that had never been attempted before. Many companies fail to place a premium on the real dollar worth of their expertise, or what it would cost an outsider to learn what they already know. McCormack was able to market his knowledge to companies that were unaware of what they really had inside. By showing them what they already new, but by changing the way that they marketed the product McCormack was able to, almost over night, turn a small company distributing out of a barn, into a power house in today's sports entertainment industry. McCormack did not accomplish such a feat by caring about the little guy. In most cases, entrepreneurs are able to set aside their morals and values and go in for the kill. Successful entrepreneurs have a different way of approaching tough business decisions than the average person. They do not look at the situation or problem as how it affects the other guy, but how it affects them. When making tough business decisions, an entrepreneur must ask if solution best suits him, or if it best suits morality? In order for the entrepreneur to succeed, the solution must best suit his needs and not the needs of the other guy. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs often find themselves debating on whether or not to charge customers most money the can for their product or service. They feel that by undercutting prices they are in-turn helping themselves to sleep better at night, but you cannot sleep if you cannot afford a place to sleep. In order to be self-sufficient, entrepreneurs must give up morales and values and be able to do what best suits them. The same is true for management in that if the want results from their workers then they must be able to adapt their style to best fit the interests at hand. There is a fairy tale about managers in business, especially big business: â€Å"that corporate leaders are conservative, rational, deliberate people who arrive at important decisions only after carefully weighing a wealth of data and information. † In most cases managers and corporate leaders rely on their staff to provide them with the information needed to make these tough business decisions. Mangers then are faced with the consequences if the result is less than â€Å"kosher. † As the old saying goes: â€Å"if you want something done right you have to do it yourself† applies when it comes to managing a top firm. In order for a manager to succeed, they must adapt their staff into a well-oiled machine that works for the most common goal. Managers have to set goals and limitations and make sure that their staff follow the guidelines appropriately for maximum production. Managers cannot baby their staff, as they cannot afford to lend the time in a high-speed industry or business. â€Å"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. † It is the managers responsibility to weed out those that are not able to perform with the rest of the unit, and in-turn hire people with the skills that best fit their own goals and ambitions. Managers also must be able to go on their own instincts and not always follow facts and figures alone. A good manager is able to assess the situation and then make a decision based on their gut reaction. With these tools a manger is able to â€Å"succeed in business by breaking all the rules. † Managers must use an unorthodox style which allows them to break free from ancient ways of thinking to develop new skills that will help them perform better in their respective businesses. By understanding that positive thinking and motivation can be taken out of context, one can be inspired to change the way that they approach tough business decisions. By also understanding that one does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business, but by utilizing life experience they can relate business problems to real life situations, and can then solve the problem with their best interests in mind. Finally mangers and entrepreneurs must think of themselves first, and then, and only then, will they be able to successfully attack tough business decisions. Breaking All the Rules In How To Succeed In Business By Breaking All The Rules it states that to succeed in business one must be able to use an unorthodox style which allows that person to break free from ancient ways of thinking and be able to use new ideas in developing entrepreneurial and business skills. One way this will be proven is to look at how positive thinking and motivation hamper people in making tough business decisions. Secondly, this will be proven by examining the education system, and showing that one does not always need a university education to perform in a business environment. Thirdly, this will be proven by looking at the behavioral aspects of an entrepreneur, and how an entrepreneur's thinking pattern is quite unique compared to the average person. Finally, this will be proven by looking at the illusions of management and how managers have to adapt if they want to see results. â€Å"Forget just about everything you were told about positive thinking and motivation. † Positive thinking and motivation can encumber persons in business if not executed properly. People assume that by being positive they are in turn motivating people to work hard and complete tasks without impeding their space. This is not entirely true. There is a joke that many motivational speakers tell, as an illustration of positive thinking: â€Å"A guy has tripped and fallen off the roof of a thirty-story building. He is falling toward certain death. Some one yells out the fifteenth-story window, ‘how are you doing? ‘ And the falling fellow hollers back, ‘Okay so far! ‘† This joke is not an accurate representation of positive thinking. It illustrates stupidity. This joke has taken positive thinking way out of proportion. It is okay to be positive when approaching tough situations, but a constant bombarding of motivational thoughts may in turn impede the situation overall. People are taught from the start that there are no bad ideas, and in-turn people who criticize these bad ideas are looked upon as â€Å"negative thinkers† . Cynicism can actually be a healthy practice. By seeking out and eliminating bad ideas right from the get-go, the business or corporation is able appropriately deal with the problem and in a sense â€Å"nip it in the bud†. A person can think positive all that they want, but they are still going to spill coffee on their new tie. By over-motivating a person, the same effect can happen. A person has to want to be motivated for it to work properly. â€Å"The Old Testament† of motivation states that any person can do any thing as long as they are motivated to do so. This is not entirely true. In order for a person to be motivated they must believe the idea. Sounds like an oxy-moron, but a person needs to be inspired before motivation can take place. For instance, a person needs to want a post secondary education before they can be motivated to do so. A person does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business. There is not really anything wrong with a university education as long as the person attending understands what it is and what it is not. For some careers a university education is essential. For instance, people do not look kindly to a self-taught brain surgeon. The problem is that a university education only offers you theoretical situations instead of practical life situations that can only be achieved through experiencing life. People tend to worry that without at least a degree in a particular field, they are unable to start their own lucrative business, and have the consumers take them seriously. Often people believe that without the proper credentials, it is impossible for their business to ever get off the ground. This is not true. There are many examples of companies that were started by supposedly â€Å"uneducated† people, who have turned their respective businesses into multi-million dollar corporations. For instance, Dave Thomas, founder and owner of the Wendy's Corporation. With nothing better than a grade 10 education Thomas took his first Wendy's that opened in 1969, and turned it into over 4000 locations across North America. Thomas was credited with hard work and life skills that helped him in his venture. From working as a busboy in a small town diner, to cooking for thousands as a chief in the army, Thomas learned the skills needed to create a lucrative business without any formal education. There are thousands of examples of entrepreneurs with no formal education that have made it in the business world. The most important thing to understand is that a business can only go as far as the people are willing to take them. Meaning that if you want to be successful you can encourage your self to take it to the next level without formal education. If you have a formal education, by all means make the most of it. But never use lack of formal education as an excuse and never let yourself feel inferior to those with better formal educations. There is abundant proof that you can reach just about any heights in business without college or even high school education if you will do the things necessary to otherwise obtain the information and master the skills specifically relevant to your objectives. Entrepreneurs are not always the best educated, but share a thinking pattern unlike those of regular people and are able to take any business with a solid foundation and turn it in to a productive money-making machine. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, one must be able to go against the grain of normal business practice and be able to perform at a pace where they leave the competition in the dust with no remorse. The old saying: â€Å"there are no rules when it comes to love and war† also applies to entrepreneurs in business. An entrepreneur must be able show no compassion towards anybody in order to get the job done. It sounds cruel, but some of the most successful people in business today have no remorse for their competition. For example, Mark McCormack the creator of International Management Group (an athlete management corporation) started off with little more than a $1000 and a hand shake, but developed his business into a multi-million dollar corporation by leaving his competition way behind. McCormack was able to do something that had never been attempted before. Many companies fail to place a premium on the real dollar worth of their expertise, or what it would cost an outsider to learn what they already know. McCormack was able to market his knowledge to companies that were unaware of what they really had inside. By showing them what they already new, but by changing the way that they marketed the product McCormack was able to, almost over night, turn a small company distributing out of a barn, into a power house in today's sports entertainment industry. McCormack did not accomplish such a feat by caring about the little guy. In most cases, entrepreneurs are able to set aside their morals and values and go in for the kill. Successful entrepreneurs have a different way of approaching tough business decisions than the average person. They do not look at the situation or problem as how it affects the other guy, but how it affects them. When making tough business decisions, an entrepreneur must ask if solution best suits him, or if it best suits morality? In order for the entrepreneur to succeed, the solution must best suit his needs and not the needs of the other guy. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs often find themselves debating on whether or not to charge customers most money the can for their product or service. They feel that by undercutting prices they are in-turn helping themselves to sleep better at night, but you cannot sleep if you cannot afford a place to sleep. In order to be self-sufficient, entrepreneurs must give up morales and values and be able to do what best suits them. The same is true for management in that if the want results from their workers then they must be able to adapt their style to best fit the interests at hand. There is a fairy tale about managers in business, especially big business: â€Å"that corporate leaders are conservative, rational, deliberate people who arrive at important decisions only after carefully weighing a wealth of data and information. † In most cases managers and corporate leaders rely on their staff to provide them with the information needed to make these tough business decisions. Mangers then are faced with the consequences if the result is less than â€Å"kosher. † As the old saying goes: â€Å"if you want something done right you have to do it yourself† applies when it comes to managing a top firm. In order for a manager to succeed, they must adapt their staff into a well-oiled machine that works for the most common goal. Managers have to set goals and limitations and make sure that their staff follow the guidelines appropriately for maximum production. Managers cannot baby their staff, as they cannot afford to lend the time in a high-speed industry or business. â€Å"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. † It is the managers responsibility to weed out those that are not able to perform with the rest of the unit, and in-turn hire people with the skills that best fit their own goals and ambitions. Managers also must be able to go on their own instincts and not always follow facts and figures alone. A good manager is able to assess the situation and then make a decision based on their gut reaction. With these tools a manger is able to â€Å"succeed in business by breaking all the rules. † Managers must use an unorthodox style which allows them to break free from ancient ways of thinking to develop new skills that will help them perform better in their respective businesses. By understanding that positive thinking and motivation can be taken out of context, one can be inspired to change the way that they approach tough business decisions. By also understanding that one does not necessarily need a university education to succeed in business, but by utilizing life experience they can relate business problems to real life situations, and can then solve the problem with their best interests in mind. Finally mangers and entrepreneurs must think of themselves first, and then, and only then, will they be able to successfully attack tough business decisions.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Types of Theatres Essay Example

Types of Theatres Essay Example Types of Theatres Essay Types of Theatres Essay Types Of Theatres The word  theatre  means place for seeing. The first recorded theatrical event was a performance of the sacred plays of themyth of Osiris and Isis  in 2500 BC in  Egypt. This story of the god Osiris was performed annually at festivals throughout the civilization, marking the beginning of a long relationship between theatre and religion. There are several types of theatres in India. Each state in India has its own distinct theaterical form of itself. India has a longest and richest tradition in theatre going back to at least 5000 years. The origin of Indian theatre is closely related to ancient rituals and seasonal festivities of the country. Bharatas Natya Shastra (2000 BC to 4th Century AD) was the earliest and most elaborate treatise on dramaturgy written anywhere in the world. The traditional account in Bharatas Natya Shastra gives a divine origin to Indian Theatre, attributing it to the Natyaveda, the holy book of dramaturgy created by Lord Brahma. Theatre in India started as a narrative form, with recitation, singing and dancing becoming integral elements of the theatre. This emphasis on narrative elements made our theatre essentially theatrical right from the beginning. That is why the theatre in India has encompassed all the other forms of literature and fine arts into its physical presentation: literature, mime, music, dance, movement, painting, sculpture and architecture all mixed into one and being called ‘Natya’ or Theatre in English. SANSKRIT OR CLASSICAL THEATRE It is difficult to determine the precise origins of the Sanskrit drama. Fragments of the earliest known plays have been traced to the 1st century AD. However, scholars believe that a living theatre tradition must have existed in India much earlier. Unfortunately, although the Indus Valley people left behind an enormous wealth of archaeological evidence, they give no signs of any theatrical activity. Dance and music seem to have been their mainstay, perhaps as part of their religious celebrations. A search of the Vedas, dating from approximately 1500-1000 BC, yields no trace either, although a few texts are composed in short, elementary dialogue. Shudraka, Harsha, Visakhadatta, Bhasa, Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti were, undoubtedly, the ix outstanding Sanskrit playwrights of all times who have contributed in a great measure through their dramatic pieces in Sanskrit. Kalidasas Shakuntala, King Harshas Ratnavali, Bhasas Swapna-vasavadatta, Bhavabhutis Uttara-rama-charita and Mahavira-charita, Visakhadattas Mudrarakshasa are some of the outstanding Sanskrit plays. There are said to be ten types of Sanskrit plays: Nataka, Prakarna, Anka, Vya yoga, Bhana, Samvakara, Vithi, Prahasana, Dima and Ithamgra. The Natyashastra focuses on only two of these types the Nataka and Prakarna. Swapanavasavadatta, Uttaramcharitra and Shakuntala fall into the category of the Nataka. These plays deal with the exploits of a hero, either a royal sage or king, who is always successful in the end. The dominant sentiment is love and heroism. The plays range between five and seven acts. Plays falling into the category of Prakarna narrate stories that were invented by their authors. The hero is a Brahmin, minister or merchant while the heroine is a courtesan. Love is the predominant sentiment. Anka (act) involves a change in the heros basic situation as the plot develops. It is made up of a series on incidents that are related to the major character. Certain events are never depicted in an anka, like a battle, marriage, death, loss of kingdom and the pronouncement of a curse. KOODIYATTAM Koodiyattam (Koothiyattam) is derived from the Sanskrit word Kurd, meaning to to play, and is considered to have been introduced in India by the Aryans. Koodiyattam is the oldest existing classical theatre form in the entire world, having originated much before Kathakali and most other theatrical forms. It is considered to be at least 2000 years old. This theatre form originated in Kerala but the exact date of its inception is not known. It is widely believed that Kulasekhara Varma Cheraman Perumal, an ancient King of Kerala, was the creator of Koodiyattam in the present form. His book Aattaprakaram is considered as the most authoritative work on the art form till date. The 10th century chronicles of the Varman dynasty record the art form in its advanced stages, pointing to its much earlier origin. The dance also finds a mention in Ilangovans 1500-year old Tamil Classic Chilappathikaram as Kerala Chakkian Sivanadanam. In May 2001, Koodiyattam earned a rare honour when UNESCO declared it a masterpiece of human heritage to be protected and preserved. There were 31 other contestants from the world over, including Japans Nogaku theatre, Chinas Kunqu opera and Spains Elche play, but it was Keralas theatre art that UNESCO selected as the endangered heritage art form worthy of its support. The UNESCO jury in Paris decided to honour Koodiyattam after watching 15 minutes of a 3-hour documentary film made by the veteran film-maker Adoor Gopalakrishnan on the request of Margi, a Thiruvananthapuram-based dance school. In its citation the UNESCO mentioned that Koodiyattam represents a vital link to ancient heritage and is an outstanding example of tradition-based creation of a cultural community. This was the first time that the UN body had conferred the heritage status on an art form. FOLK THEATRE This was the second phase of the evolution of theatre in India, which was based on oral traditions. This form of theatre was being performed from about 1000 AD onwards up to 1700 AD and continued further until today in almost every part of India. Emergence of this kind of theatre is linked with the change of political set up in India as well as the coming into existence of different regional languages in all parts of the country. The classical theatre was based on Natya Shastra was much more sophisticated in its form and nature and totally urban-oriented. On the contrary, the traditional theatre evolved out of rural roots and was more simple, immediate and closer to the rural milieu. Historically speaking, it was during the 15-16 century that the folk theatre emerged forcefully in different regions. It used different languages, the languages of the regions in which it emerged. Initially these were purely devotional in tenor and typically revolved around religion, local legends and mythology. Later, with changing times it became more secular in content and began to focus on folk stories of romance and valour and biographical accounts of local heroes. Indian folk theatre can be broadly divided into two broad categories religious and secular giving rise to the Ritual Theatre and Theatre of Entertainment respectively. The two forms thrived together, mutually influencing each other. Although they are considered as Folk theatre traditions, some of them have all the attributes of a classical theatre. Most often the folk and traditional forms are mainly narrative or vocal, i. e. singing and recitation-based like Ramlila, Rasleela, Bhand Nautanki and Wang, without any complicated gestures or movements and elements of dance. India is also rich in ballad-singing traditions such as Pabuji-ki-phar of Rajastan and Nupipaalaa of Manipur. Dramatic art can also be found in some of the solo forms of Indian classical dance, like Bharat Natyam, Kathak, Odissi and Mohiniattam, and folk dances like the Gambhira and Purulia Chhau of Bengal, Seraikella Chhau of Bihar and Mayurbhanj Chhau of Orissa. Dramatic content is even woven into the ritual ceremonies in some areas, particularly those of Kerala, with its Mudiyettu and Teyyam. THEATRE OF ENTERTAINMENT This form of folk theatre has secular themes ranging from romance, love and valour to social and cultural traditions. Its sole purpose was to provide entertainment for the masses. Nautanki, Tamasha and Jatra are some examples. Bhavai  : Bhavai is the popular folk theatrical form of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The pioneer of Bhavai was a Brahmin known as Asait Thakore or Ashram Maharaja, who lived in a village of Gujarat called Unjha. Initially, the Bhavai performance was presented as a religious ritual to propitiate the Goddess Amba and it took place only during the religious festivals of Navratra. Very soon it got converted as an important form of the theatre of entertainment. The Bhavai has a series of playlets known as Vesha or Swanga. Each Vesha has its own plot and locale. There need not be any continuity of homogeneity among them. The Veshas has four broad category of themes i. e. mythological, social, royal Rajput and contemporary. The Veshas of Krishna and Gopi, the Veshas Zanda-Zulana and Chhela-Vatau, the Vesha of Ramdev and the Veshas of Vanazaro and Purabio are examples of each of these categories. Daskathia and Chhaiti Ghoda: Daskathia is one of the several narrative forms that flourished in Orissa. It is a performance in which a devotee narrates a story dramatically to the accompaniment of a wooden musical instrument called kathia. This is a performance of two narrators, Gayaka (chief singer) and Palia (assistant) who is the co-narrator. The Chhaiti Ghoda troupe of erformers comprises of two players on the musical instruments dhol and mohuri and three other characters. A dummy horse is improvised out of bamboo and cloth and the dancer enters into the hollow body and dances, while the main singer along with co-singer delivers discourses, mainly from mythology. Gondhal: In Maharashtra, the dramatic narration of mythological stories, hero-lauds and folk legends form a part of a ritual dedicated to various d eities. This interesting ritual with its narrative performance has deeply influenced the dramatic and narrative traditions in Maharashtra and its neighbouring regions. Garodas: In Gujarat the members of the Garoda community practice the art of narrating stories with the help of painted pictures. It is performed with a paper scroll with pictures painted in water-colours one below the other and separated with a thick black line. Jatra (Yatra): The popular folk drama form of Eastern India is the Yatra or Jatra, as it is known in Bengal. It assumes different forms in different regions within the eastern parts of India, which include mainly the states of Assam, West Bengal and Orissa. Yatra literally means a procession or a pilgrimage from one point to another. It is generally an open-air performance. Jatra originated in Bengal as a ritual theatre devoted mainly on themes relating to the life of Lord Krishna. The illustrious Vaishnava saint and religious performer Chaitanya used the medium of Jatra to propagate his teachings of Krishna by inspiring his devotees to participate in communal singing and dancing. Apart from the exploits of Krishna, the Jatras dramatised the Puranic legends, folk-tales and episodes from Ramayana and Mahabharata. Kariyila: This is the most interesting and popular folk drama form of Himachal Pradesh. It is most popular in the districts of Shimla, Solan and Sirmour. The season of Kariyala generally starts after the festival of Deepavali. Kariyala is an open-air theatre, which consists of an entertaining series of small playlets, farces, skits, revues and burlesques. It is generally staged during village fairs and on some festive occasions. The Kariyala entertainment starts in the evening and goes on throughout the night staging various popular items one after other. The square-performing arena is called Khada. In the centre of Khada, a bonfire is lit which is considered very sacred. A number of musical instruments like chimta, nagara, karnal, ranasingha, shahanai, basuri, dholak and khanjiri are used to provide background music. Keertan: Keertan is the most popular narrative form which is prevalent in almost all parts of the country under different names such as Katha Kalakshepam and Harikatha. Keertan means to laud, extol, exalt, worshipping of the deity by chanting his praises and celebrating the praises of god with music and singing. Khyal: It is a popular folk dramatic form of Rajasthan and is full of dancing, singing and music. Khyal has assumed different names in different regions of Rajasthan. It is also known as Tamasha, Rammat, Nautanki, Maach and Swang. Maanch: Maanch is an enchanting folk opera of Malwa region in the state of Madhya Pradesh. It evolved about two centuries ago in Ujjain. The themes are usually based on mythological events or romantic folk tales. Nachya: It is an interesting folk theatre form of Madhya Pradesh, the urbanised version of which reached the metropolitan centres and became quite popular. The play begins with an invocation song sung in honour of Lord Ganesha, Saraswati and other deities venerated by the local folk. There are two types of Nachya theatre. One is the humorous Gammat Skit and the other one is the Jokkad Pari performance. Nautanki: Nautanki is an offshoot of the Swang or Sang. It is very popular in Haryana and other parts of North India. Oja-Pali: Oja-Pali of Assam is a very interesting form of story telling which utilises many dramatic techniques to illustrate the narrative and enhance its visual impact. This art form is associated with the worship of Manasa, the serpent goddess of Assam. The performers take many days to narrate the story, which is divided into three parts: Deva Khanda, Baniya Khanda and Bhatiyali Khanda. The Oja is the main narrator-singer and the Palis are his ssociates or members of his chorus. There is yet another type of Oja-Pali parties in Assam, known as the Vyah-Gowa Oja-Pali, which narrates stories from the Assamese version of Puranas and the epics. Pandavani: It is a form of story telling evolved by the tribals of the Chhatisgarh region of Madhya Pradesh to amuse and instruct the people. This narrative form was developed to tell the story of the five Pandava brothers and considered to be of two types Kapilak and Vedamati. A team of Pandavani performers is composed of one main narrator-singer, one or two co-singers, who also play on musical instruments like tabla and harmonium. Pandavani is a performance of a story, which did not quite develop into a regular dramatic form. Picture Showmen: The Picture Showman in ancient India was known as Mankha, and this art of narrating the story with the help of pictures was known as Mankha Vidha. This art dates back to 6th century BC. Powada: In Maharashtra the narrative hero-laud is called Powada. The first available Powada in Marathi was written on the thrilling episode of Shivaji killing his adversary Afzal Khan. The tradition of Powada singing was kept alive by the folk singers of Maharashtra known as Gondhalis and Shahirs. The Powada is presented in a most dramatic manner. High pitch singing and melodramatic acting is its soul. Swang: The major theatrical tradition of folk entertainment in North India, especially Haryana, is that of Swang. It is a musical folk drama which enacts near similar stories in all its related regional variations. These stories are in verse and are sung in different classical, semi-classical but mostly in popular folk musical modes. A number of musical instruments like the ektara, dholak, kharta, sarangi and harmonium put flavour to the dialogues. Ali Baksh of Rewari, who is regarded as the father of folk theatre in Haryana, is the pioneer of the Swang tradition. Pandit Deep Chand, known as the Kalidasa of Haryana, modified and polished Ali Baksh style of folk theatre. Other luminaries of Swang include Swami Har Dev, Qutabi, Dhoom, Pandit Bhartu and Pandit Lakshmi Chand. Tamasha: Tamasha evolved itself from the earlier forms of folk entertainment in Maharashtra. It is known for its humour and erotic singing and dancing. It is one of the rare folk theatre forms of India in which women play the feminine roles. Naughty episodes of Krishna Leela are invariably enacted in the opening part of a Tamasha play. The Lavani songs, which are sung along with dancing, are delightfully naughty and erotic. Villu Pattu: Villu Pattu literally means bow-song. This form of recitation (using a bow-shaped musical instrument) of Tamil Nadu developed in the 15th century. There are seven to eight persons in a bow-song party who form a kind of chorus that supports the main singer-narrator. The stories from Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Puranas are told in these ballad style songs. PUPPETRY IN INDIA Puppet Theatre as a form of entertainment is found practically in all parts of the world. In Puppet Theatre various forms, known as puppets, are used to illustrate the narratives. In India, the roots of the puppet theatre lie in a dancers mask. There are several Mesolithic paintings that illustrate a number of masked dancers performing singly or in groups. Excavations at several Harappan sites have revealed a number of toys whose body parts can be manipulated with strings. There are numerous references to different kinds of puppets in the Mahabharata and a Buddhist work called Therigatha. There are basic four kinds of puppets glove, string, rod and shadow. The glove puppets are found mainly in Orissa, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. These puppets are worn on the hand and the puppeteer manipulates their heads and arms with his fingers. The puppeteer narrates his story in verse or prose, while the puppets provide the visual treat. The glove puppet in Orissa is called Kundhei Nacha. The glove puppets of Kerala are more ornate, colourful and resemble the actors on the Kathakali stage in their make-up and costume. Their performance is known as Pava Koothu or Pava Kathakali. The stories of this theatre are mainly Radha Krishna stories and episodes from the Ramayana. SHADOW THEATRE IN INDIA Shadow theatre is a unique kind of performing art which is close to puppetry, but differs from it in the sense that while in puppet theatre the audience directly sees the puppet figures, in shadow theatre they only see the shadow cast on the screen. There is a light source and a screen and in between the manipulator inserts the flat figures by lightly pressing them on the screen so that a sharp shadow is formed. Usually, the figures in the shadow theatre are made of leather. They are carefully stenciled so that their shadows suggest their clothing, jewellery and other accoutrements. Some of the figures have jointed limbs which, when manipulated, give the appearance of beautiful moving shadows. India has a very long and rich tradition of Shadow theatre. According to many scholars, this art originated in India. Reference to shadow theatre is found in the Tamil classic Shilappadikaaram. Many Western Indologists such as Pischel, Luders and Winternitz are of the opinion that the well-known Sanskrit drama Mahaanaataka was originally written as a play for the Shadow Theatre. This art form is, thus, at least one thousand years old. Apparently it went to Southeast Asia, Turkey and other places from India. MODERN THEATRE The development of Modern Theatre in India may be attributed to a change in the political set up in India. The 200 years of the British rule brought the Indian theatre into direct contact with the western theatre. The seeds of Modern Theatre were sown in the late 18th century, with the consolidation of British power in Bengal, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. It was in the thriving metropolises of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras that they first introduced their brand of theatre, based on London models.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Citing Primary Sources in OSCOLA Referencing

Citing Primary Sources in OSCOLA Referencing Citing Primary Sources in OSCOLA Referencing citation systems as well. In the UK, the most common form of legal referencing is OSCOLA (or the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities). And in this post, we look at how to cite primary sources with OSCOLA. First, though, what exactly is a primary source? Primary and Secondary Sources OSCOLA classes sources as either â€Å"primary† or â€Å"secondary.† Primary sources are legal sources, such as cases and legislative documents. Secondary sources cover everything else, including books, journal articles, and websites. In either case, you will use superscript numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3) to indicate a citation, with details of the source given in a footnote. But the information you give here will depend on the source in question. For primary sources, this usually means either a case report or a legislative act. Citing Case Reports in OSCOLA When citing a UK case with a neutral citation, you will need to provide the following information in the accompanying footnote: Case Name | [Year] | Court | Number,| [Year] | Volume | Report Abbreviation | First Page However, you only need to include the case name in the footnote if it is not used in the text. And as shown, the neutral citation should be separated from the law report citation by a comma. Cases from before 2001 will not have a neutral citation, so footnotes for older cases should only include the following details: Case Name | [Year] | Volume | Report Abbreviation | First Page | (Court) Examples of the above would thus appear as follows in footnote citations: Neutral Citation: PI vs Walls [2008] UKHL 15, [2008] 4 AC 1284 No Neutral Citation: GM vs Nissan [1983] 1 AC 154 (UKHL) Citing Legislation in OSCOLA Other than cases, the main primary sources in OSCOLA referencing are legislative acts and statutory instruments. When citing a UK legislative act, all you need is the short title and year. For instance: Act of Supremacy 1558 To reference a particular section, meanwhile, simply add it after the year: Human Rights Act 1998 s 7 The â€Å"s† before the â€Å"7† above is short for â€Å"section.† However, the correct abbreviation here may depend on what you’re citing: part/parts pt/pts section/sections s/ss subsection/subsections sub-s/sub-ss paragraph/paragraphs para/paras subparagraph/subparagraphs subpara/subparas schedule/schedules sch/schs You may also need to cite a statutory instrument at some point. To do this, the footnote should include the title, year and the SI number (after a comma). So, for instance, we could cite a statutory instrument as follows: The Deregulation Act 2015 (Commencement No. 4) Order 2015, SI 2015  2074 (C.  130) Cases and Legislation in an OSCOLA Bibliography As well as footnote citations, you will need to list all primary sources in a bibliography at the end of your document. For primary sources, the general rules in an OSCOLA bibliography are: Provide full information for each source. Divide primary sources into a Table of Cases and a Table of Legislation (you may also want to separate acts of legislation from legislative instruments). Sort cases/acts into separate sections by jurisdiction (unless you have not cited many sources, in which case they can be combined). List sources within their categories alphabetically by case name/title. List secondary sources separately under the heading â€Å"Bibliography.† This will make it easy for readers to find the various primary sources you have used in your work. And if you’d like someone to double check your referencing when youve finished writing, we’re always happy to help.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Southwest Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Southwest Airlines - Essay Example This paper illustrates Southwest Airlines which is considered as low cost airlines demonstrated a stable growth in the airline industry and the average growth in the number of the customers had been approximately 9%. It can be mentioned that there was high competition in the deregulated airline industry since the airline routes were competing among each other and there was rise in the low-cost carriers such as Southwest Air lines. Although it has been almost thirty years of the deregulation, the services provided by the Southwest Airlines has been satisfactory to draw on the passengers with a pleasant experience. In this period of time, a number of airlines have been losing money because of lack of adequate service and certain other reasons. However, the best part to note in this regard is that Southwest Airlines is continuing to earn profits because of its hedging programs. It is worthy of mentioning that Southwest airlines does not adopt the â€Å"hub and spoke† approach. Th e company instead tries to focus upon the short haul as well as point-to-point approach. The takeover of Transtar Airlines by Southwest Airlines in 1994 assisted the company to develop stronger edge in the market place. It can be mentioned that deregulation has allowed the companies to burgeon and has lowered the travelling cost of the air-passengers travel. One of the significant issues that Southwest Airlines faces is related to maintenance of its flights. ... Most of the policy makers had been quite worried with this which triggered the creation of the National Commission. This led to well-built competitive airline industry in the year 1993 (Morrison & Winston, 1996). Southwest Airlines which is considered as low cost airlines demonstrated a stable growth in the airline industry and the average growth in the number of the customers had been approximately 9%. It can be mentioned that there was high competition in the deregulated airline industry since the airline routes were competing among each other and there was rise in the low-cost carriers such as Southwest Air lines (US Government Printing Office, 2003). Although it has been almost thirty years of the deregulation, the services provided by the Southwest Airlines has been satisfactory to draw on the passengers with a pleasant experience. In this period of time, a number of airlines have been losing money because of lack of adequate service and certain other reasons. However, the best part to note in this regard is that Southwest Airlines is continuing to earn profits because of its hedging programs (Mallone, 2008). Business Issues Hub Strategies It is worthy of mentioning that Southwest airlines does not adopt the â€Å"hub and spoke† approach. The company instead tries to focus upon the short haul as well as point-to-point approach. The takeover of Transtar Airlines by Southwest Airlines in 1994 assisted the company to develop stronger edge in the market place. It can be mentioned that deregulation has allowed the companies to burgeon and has lowered the travelling cost of the air-passengers travel. Personnel Issues One of the significant issues that Southwest Airlines faces is related to maintenance of its flights. As

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Markecting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Markecting - Essay Example hael Porter the Bishop William Lawrence University Professor at Harvard Business School has commented that any business and its standing at any point in time can best be evaluated through making it go through a value chain analysis. Best value can be defined as the difference between total revenues and total costs. The company that can maximize this difference is adding value. This difference can be enhanced in a better manner when the firm is aware of where its costs are high and where they are low (Schmitz, 2005). Thus, this model basically entails the breaking down of organizational activities into various small units and then assigning costs to each unit so as to determine the amount that it is costing the company. This calculation of costs is important because a company can then see where it can curtail costs and where a slight cost relaxation would not harm the value chain. Value chain activities take place in almost every organization. From buying the raw materials to the product design, from the product development stages to the distribution of the product, such activities are easy to identify. They have to be broken down into the smallest units possible, so that identification of those activities where cost curtailment would help can be carried out. From industry to industry, the activities will differ slightly (Miguel, 1996). For example, the hotel industry will have sub-activities within customer service such as room service and telephone services, whereas the advertising industry, which is the subject of discussion of this report, will have activities such as conducting research and creating advertising briefs. Through such a process of analysis, VCA helps companies in assessing their own strengths and weaknesses and then comparing them to the VCA of their competitors, as well as their own VCA trends seen over time. This comparison helps companies to decide upon their core competence and distinctive competence and to capitalize on those strengths,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Globalization_Integrative_essay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Globalization_Integrative_essay - Essay Example Robinson and Amartya Sen respectively. William Robinson argues, â€Å"Scholars and activists have tended to underrate the  universal nature of the dynamics involved in globalization that is redefining all the basic reference points of human community and social evaluation, and needs a modification of all existing patterns.   In the systemic dynamics which are driven by and that drives globalization, we are gradually witnessing an international conflict between capital and poor labor force in the South,  and  a labor force that is being proletarianised in the North. Robinson argues that this divergence is incubated via and worsened by technologically mediated novelties in capitalist production procedures that gradually discipline labor.  Disciplinary activities   comprise: threats of outsourcing; enforcing dynamics to terms of employment; employing technology and competence in production to drive down wages; privatization or attrition of social welfare; the employ of technology to supervise the work; and grad ually deflationary economic laws that attack standards of living for all-bar social elites. For Robinson, the means through which international capital is hatched out of state capitals in the global North is the main theme of globalization. He sees an effect in the capture by international elites of the state equipment for control in the global North and the effort to do so in the global South. He continues arguing in a  discussion paper  that in realizing the procedure of capitalism in its neoliberal phase, and in shaping reactions to it, it is critical to evaluate how  globalization is â€Å"a qualitatively new international stage in the on-going development of world capitalism†. This backs  Ellen Meiksins Wood’s view that we are living at a time when capitalism for ones has become a real universal system. Capitalism is worldwide also in the feeling that its logic – the logic of accumulation, profit-maximization, commodification, competition – has